Thursday 16 February 2017

Common Question : Difference between Service Pack and Cummulative Updates

 This post will help you out with most common question that a SharePoint techie needs to know.

Difference between Service Pack and Cumulative Updates (CU).

Some of you might don't know but we also have Public Update knows as PU and Critical on demand fix know as COD

So we instead of just talking about difference between Service Pack and CU

We will talk about Service Pack vs CU vs PU vs COD

there are other guys who have answered this question i just wanted to throw my hat in the ring ;)

Lets get started.

Service Pack


A Service Pack is combination of all the previously released fixes and potentially any new feature added to SharePoint till date.
It includes new fixes, new functionality and all the older released Service packs and fixes.
It doesn't comes with language pack you have to install a separate service pack for language installed in SharePoint.
There is no release cycle for service pack.

Cumulative Updates


A Cumulative update includes fixes for the bug or problem with SharePoint that are reported by users or customers.
It contains all new and previously released CU and PU.
CU comes with language pack so no need to install separate CU for language installed in SharePoint.
Since July 2014, CU has been release every month.

Public Update (PU)

Public Update basically includes security fixes and fixes for the problems that are reported by large number of customers or users
What it includes you have to review the KB article while downloading the PU from Microsoft.
PU also comes with language pack. It will  release once in a month if required.

Critical on demand fix (COD)


A COD is a fix which is provided only to a small number of customers affected by a critical problem directly through Microsoft Support.
It includes specific fix for a specific issue. Doesn't come with language pack.
It is only released On Demand 

Hope this article gives you more clear picture about Service Pack, CU, PU and COD.

Happy SharePointing :)

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