Monday, 4 July 2016

Virtual Machine on Hyper-V

In my previous post we have discussed how to install hyper-v on windows and window servers.

This post will help you out in creating a virtual machine on Hyper-V. Once Virtual machine is created we will touch other topics like installing Active Directory, SharePoint and SQL server.

So first lets get started with Virtual Machine :)

1. Open Hyper-V Manager, Click Action and Connect to Server

2. Select Local Computer and Click OK.

3. Once you get connected, Click Action and Select Virtual Machine or On right hand side of your screen, you can see a new option click on it and select Virtual Machine.

4. Click Next, Specify a name for your virtual machine and location to store it.Click Next

5. Select Generation accordingly,Click Next.
6. Assign Memory which will be utilized by Virtual Machine.Click Next
7. Select the connection accordingly, You can choose internal or external .Click Next
8. Select the option Create Virtual Disk and its location.If you have a Virtual HDD backup select use an existing Virtual HDD and its location.Click NEXT
9. Select Option on how to install O/S .Better to have an ISO file on window server.

10 Click Next, Check the summary and Click Finish.

A virtual Machine will be create in your Hyper-V manager.Open that virutal machine and it will starting booting the O/S from ISO you have selected.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, this looks very useful. I'll see if I use this as a guideline. Hyper-V
